Thursday, February 14, 2008

Violets are Blue

I met DH when we were sixteen years old and in a driver's education class we took during one boggy, glorious, mosquito-filled summer in Upstate New York. Given the on again, off again nature of the relationship during our teen and college years, I don't remember our first date. I don't recall ever having a song we called our own, either. But I do remember the first flowers DH ever gave me: blue violets picked from the edge of sidewalks on the way to high school. We were both self conscious and tried to play it off as no big deal. But it gave me such a thrill to get them.

Life is so different today, with twenty years and three thousand miles of distance between now and then. We would be unrecognizeable to our sixteen-year-old selves. But when DH brings me flowers, and it still gives me a thrill.

Happy Valentine's Day, sweetie.

If your first love gave you a flower, do you still remember what it was?


meg said...

What a gorgeous shot. I love the color.

I don't really know about flowers...I am not so into them, myself. I can't seem to remember getting any particular bloom. But I do love pink roses, so I guess I'll go with that!

Julia said...

What a lovely story. We have you beat by a few years in meeting, although you have us beet hands down in the dating department. Our first date was an ocean away from where we met, and more than a couple of years-- I was 18 by then, and in college.
A gorgeous shot. I love that the texture is so visible.

charmedgirl said...

it was a maple leaf, and i still have it...except it was the first he gave me when we dated the second time around. first time was in high school; i kept those dried up red roses for a while, but threw them out soon enough.

i just found a really old pic of us the other night, and just couldn't help thinking, "look at those two fools...they don't know anything at all, but think they do."

(and yeah, you take really really nice pictures)